Ronda Rousey believes that ‘Paul Heyman acts as the Pillar of the Professional Wrestling Business’.

Ronda Rousey believes that ‘Paul Heyman acts as the Pillar of the Professional Wrestling Business’.
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Ronda Rousey’s experiences in WWE didn’t exactly thrill her, but she has tremendous respect for Paul Heyman, whom she regards as the central pillar of the wrestling sector.

While promoting her new graphic novel, Expecting the Unexpected, during a discussion with “SHAK MMA”, Rousey shelled out a heap of praise for Heyman.

The podcast has covered interesting highlights, which can be checked out:

About Paul Heyman: “According to me, Paul is the true backbone of this industry, though it remains invisible— being under the body. He’s a mentor to everyone in the industry… He is so dedicated that he puts all of his time and effort into WWE instead of utilizing his genius elsewhere.”

On Paul Heyman’s support: “He was the one who encouraged me to shape my own story. No one ever envisaged me in that capacity or expressed that faith in me, I didn’t even believe in myself that much… When I started to draft this idea, which had long been inside me, I spent 11 straight hours in bed, typing with a cast on my phone; only Paul saw this in me.”

On her debut graphic novel: “I had finally moved on from that preceding phase of my life, having confirmed my retirement. I realized that I wanted to work on a graphic novel. The audience’s reaction to it doesn’t bother me much.”

On possibly showing up at a UFC event: “Frankly, I am not comfortable with the idea of attending an event at a jam-packed stadium just for fun. I am more of a person who loves being on my farm or chilling at a beach. I would consider attending if there were a solid reason, like my kids fighting, or if I end up coaching a fighter.”

On her disconnect with the scene: “I have essentially moved on from being part of the scene. Earlier, the idea of dressing up for fights and hanging out with everyone appealed to me, but now, I prefer being home and sipping tea. I also don’t like the idea of going to an event just to see people’s reaction to me, I would need a reason to attend. But we’ll see, depending on the situation.”

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