Robert Gibson Undergoes Surgery, Police Threatened To Shut CZW Show Down, ROH Highlights

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WWE Hall of Famer Robert Gibson underwent hip replacement surgery last week.

The Rock N’ Roll Express member was on crutches at T-Mart’s The Gathering VI in Charlotte due to the surgery.


Gibson is still advertised to team with Ricky Morton tomorrow against The Headbangers, though it appears unlikely for obvious reasons.

CZW has announced that its Twisted Metal event, which was set to take place on Saturday in New Jersey,  has been indefinitely postponed. The announcement came after police told CZW they would shut it down.

The statement noted that CZW has worked with New Jersey including their State Athletic Commission for years and spoke with them specifically about Twisted Metal, and everything was in the clear.

However, the promotion received a call from Deptford County saying that someone had contacted the police in regard to a New Jersey administration code regarding “extreme wrestling,” and the police confirmed they would shut Twisted Metal down.

The owner of the junkyard the Twisted Metal show was supposed set to take place also noted that she had received several threats regarding hosting the show.

You can see check out the full statement below:

ROH TV aired on HonorClub on Thursday and you can check out some additional highlight clips below:

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