Rob Van Dam’s Financial Success: Comparing Earnings in Japan versus the USA

Rob Van Dam’s Financial Success: Comparing Earnings in Japan versus the USA
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On a recent edition of his “1 Of A Kind” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Rob Van Dam discussed working in Japan before making it big in the United States.

RVD toured with All Japan Pro Wrestling from 1993-1997 before heading for Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) in the US.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On working with a lot of talent over in AJPW: “Yeah, and I worked with [Kenta] Kobashi and [Mitsuharu] Misawa a lot. [Jun] Akiyama, [Takao] Omori, [Toshiaki] Kawada, [Akira] Taue, all them guys. And who’s the guy that did the shoot fight… him Don Frye had the, ‘Boom, Boom!’ [stiffing each other]… It’s the most brutal thing. Anyway that guy, I can’t remember his name but he was he was with us for a while in All Japan. Maybe he came in to work with Gary Albright. But yeah, there was a lot of guys that were on every single tour and then there was some of us that would rotate.”

On making more money in Japan than the US at the time: “You know, I didn’t like being over there all the time. But I made so much more money over there than I would in the States that I could go for a few weeks, then come back and take months off and still be fine. You know, back then when I had a $400 a month, roach-infested apartment.”

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Rob Van Dam, the legendary WWE Hall of Famer, recently shared some insights about his time working in Japan before achieving fame in the United States. Van Dam, also known as RVD, had a successful stint with All Japan Pro Wrestling (AJPW) from 1993 to 1997 before making his way to Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) in the US.

During his time in AJPW, RVD had the opportunity to work with several talented wrestlers, including Kenta Kobashi, Mitsuharu Misawa, Jun Akiyama, Takao Omori, Toshiaki Kawada, and Akira Taue. He also mentioned a wrestler who engaged in shoot fights and had a memorable catchphrase, “Boom, Boom!” Although RVD couldn’t recall the wrestler’s name, he remembered the intense nature of their matches. This experience allowed him to develop his skills and learn from some of the best in the business.

One interesting aspect RVD highlighted was the difference in earnings between Japan and the US at that time. Despite not enjoying being in Japan for extended periods, he revealed that he made significantly more money there than he would have in the States. This financial advantage enabled him to take breaks for months after working for a few weeks in Japan. RVD reminisced about living in a small, inexpensive apartment back then, emphasizing how much his circumstances changed after finding success in the wrestling industry.

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RVD’s journey from Japan to the US showcases the importance of gaining experience and exposure in different wrestling promotions. It is through these opportunities that wrestlers can refine their skills and make significant strides in their careers. RVD’s success story serves as an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers who dream of making it big in the industry.