On a recent edition of his “1 Of A Kind” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Rob Van Dam recalled working at the Madison Square Garden for WWE events back in the day.
It turns out that RVD doesn’t have fond memories of the arena due to its lack of locker room space and restroom facilities.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On working at Madison Square Garden: “I think I’m gonna get heat for not sharing that opinion. What I remember from it was the dressing room was overcrowded, I think there’s like one toilet for everybody to use. I just remember being overcrowded. I loved being in the city and the energy and everything, but I remember specifically feeling like I was one of the only ones that didn’t have that super mark out, nostalgia vibe going so I felt a little left out.”
On his thoughts on the owners of the arena: “Just the way I remember it. Sometimes you’d be surprised, even in a big multi-million dollar production like that, you’d be surprised at how many rooms are so small that you just got to drop your bag off and leave and only [a few] people at a time can actually get dressed and they have to make room for other people. I remember MSG being like that. A lot of times, I always felt like the flesh peddlers were probably laughing at us and what we do and what we do it for, and the conditions they put us under and what we are doing to ourselves as jobs — and the flesh peddlers are probably laughing at because they’re the ones making the money. I’ve always had that perspective and MSG is one of those buildings that puts me back into that mindset, like it’s not about taking care of us, it’s about them making money.”
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Rob Van Dam, the WWE Hall of Famer, recently shared his not-so-fond memories of working at Madison Square Garden (MSG) for WWE events. In an episode of his podcast, “1 Of A Kind,” RVD expressed his dissatisfaction with the lack of locker room space and restroom facilities at the iconic arena.
According to RVD, the dressing room at MSG was overcrowded, with only one toilet available for everyone to use. He recalled feeling left out because he didn’t share the same nostalgic vibe that many others had about the venue. While he enjoyed the energy of being in the city, the cramped conditions and lack of amenities made his experience less enjoyable.
RVD also shared his thoughts on the owners of the arena. He mentioned that even in a multi-million dollar production like WWE, there are often small rooms where wrestlers can only drop off their bags and leave. Only a few people can get dressed at a time, and they have to make room for others. RVD believed that the owners prioritized making money over taking care of the wrestlers. He referred to them as “flesh peddlers” who profit from the sacrifices and conditions wrestlers endure for their jobs.
The wrestler’s perspective on MSG reflects his broader view of the wrestling industry and how it is sometimes exploited for financial gain. RVD believes that while wrestlers put their bodies on the line, it is ultimately the promoters and owners who benefit the most. He sees MSG as a symbol of this dynamic, where the focus is on making money rather than providing a comfortable and supportive environment for the performers.
Despite his negative experiences at MSG, RVD’s comments shed light on the challenges wrestlers face behind the scenes. It serves as a reminder that even in prestigious venues like Madison Square Garden, there can be limitations and shortcomings that impact the overall experience for those involved in the wrestling industry.
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