Rob Van Dam On Who Delivers The Best Frog Splash Other Than Himself

Rob Van Dam On Who Delivers The Best Frog Splash Other Than Himself
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In a recent episode of “Insight” podcast, WWE icon and Hall of Famer, Rob Van Dam, opened up about his views on the wrestlers who perform his trademark frog splash with finesse. He was quoted as saying,

“Undeniably, Montez Ford executes it spectacularly, and undoubtedly, Eddie. Everyone invariably draws a comparison between our Frog Splashes due to the long-standing rivalry Eddie and I share,”.

The conversation later veered towards Logan Paul’s rendition of the move. Surprisingly, RVD confessed that he hadn’t observed it yet and proceeded to discuss the origins of how he began incorporating the move into his repertoire. He revealed,

“Fascinatingly, witnessing Tonga Kid and Jimmy Snuka sway in action was inspiring, however, I’ve added my twist to it. I jazzed it up a notch by twirling in mid-air and travelling across en entire ring. For some time, I pushed myself to reach the farthest corner – that became my signature”.

RVD further spoke about the dramatic element he brings while delivering the move, explaining that the level of dramatic intensity while executing the move would vary depending upon his opponent.

Reminiscing about his past performances, Van Dam described the moment he landed on behemoths like Mark Henry or The Big Show as a “massive hit” because their huge frames guaranteed that no part of him would touch the mat.

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