Rob Van Dam Identifies His Preferred Future Opponents in WWE and AEW

Rob Van Dam Identifies His Preferred Future Opponents in WWE and AEW
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In the latest installment of his podcast, “1 of a Kind,” WWE Hall of Fame inductee Rob Van Dam delved into hypothetical wrestling dream matches. He considered both traditional and contemporary potential opponents in his discussion.

RVD showed an eagerness to pit himself against fellow WWE wrestler Kevin Owens and AEW’s World Champion, Swerve Strickland. Earlier in the year, he and Strickland faced off in a singles match during an AEW Dynamite episode.

Highlights from the podcast include:

Discussing historical and modern professional wrestlers he’d like to go head-to-head with, RVD stated, “I wouldn’t mind taking on Sabu in his final career match that he’s considering – a retirement match. That would certainly be a cool experience. Rumors are afloat that Kevin Owens wants a match with me. I’m open to that, it could be an interesting showdown. I don’t have a list of fantasy opponents as such, but I’m confident that I would have a strong match with just about anyone. It might be exciting to go up against someone like Ricochet, who pulls off some incredible moves. Kevin Nash is another name that springs to mind.”

Expounding on his desire for a rematch with Swerve Strickland, RVD expressed, “I’d enjoy the opportunity to take on Swerve [Strickland] once more. We had a good match, our chemistry was palpable. Given another opportunity, we could certainly ramp things up and bring much more to the fight. It could turn into a situation where we are continually trying to outperform one another.”