RJ City Reveals Why He Doesn’t Care About Wins & Losses In Wrestling

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AEW star RJ City doesn’t worry about wins and losses in pro wrestling, and he recently explained his mindset on The Best Show podcast.

According to the host of Hey! (EW), it is far more important for talent to be able to make it past the losses than focus on the win-draw-loss record. He said,


“My theory is this, you cannot be worried about the winning and the losing. Especially for me. If I was a giant, then maybe I would be focused on winning. But as a character, as someone that wants to make a connection with the audience, you have to be able to survive the loss. Because you hit one loss, and then it’s all over. That’s why I would say, Rocky [Balboa] lost in the beginning. He started with a loss. If he was on this hot win streak, the second he lost, the party would be over.”

RJ City still competes occasionally on the independent circuit, and his last match was in December for International Wrestling Cartel.

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