Rikishi – ‘I Would Love To See Heel John Cena With The New Drip’

Rikishi – ‘I Would Love To See Heel John Cena With The New Drip’
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Rikishi – ‘I Would Love To See Heel John Cena With The New Drip’

In a recent episode of “Off The Top,” a podcast hosted by WWE Hall of Fame inductee Rikishi, he shared his response to the unexpected heel turn by John Cena against Cody Rhodes. The astonishing incident took place at the WWE Elimination Chamber event held in Toronto earlier in the month.

A few standout points from Rikishi’s podcast episode are presented below:

Rikishi’s insight on Cena’s heel turn: “It is definitely a boon for business. What can I say, the storyline was brilliantly crafted. This is Cena’s final appearance on tour. And no doubt, the whole planet was rooting for this guy owing to what he has contributed to the profession. He’s one of the most emblematic and universally loved professional wrestling figures in history. The sudden change in his demeanor when he embraced Cody, and he glanced at Rock was as if a demon took over him. All his hidden anger made him reject all the love and support from those who’d been with him for years. Cena has effectively sold out. The upcoming WrestleMania couldn’t get any more exciting with the presence of John Cena and Cody Rhodes.

No disrespect to Cody who I am a fan of, but he still lacks the charm compared to the likes of ‘Stone Cold’, ‘Undertaker’, or ‘Macho Man’. Wrestling fans hate being fooled around or taken for granted, since they are a smart bunch. But not one fan, myself included, saw this coming. This caught everyone off guard, even those who are not regular wrestling viewers. Cena’s star power transcends the professional wrestling boundaries extending his reach across the entertainment world. I’m looking forward to his possible return to his Thugonomics roots. Just when you think you’ve seen it all in this business, you’re proved wrong. This reversal was a masterstroke for sure.”

Rikishi’s thoughts on the return of Cena’s “Thuganomics” days: “Most of us are still hanging onto the old John Cena. But in observing how the ‘Final Boss’ is dressing we can infer something about Cena’s possible transformation. Travis Scott’s influence on Cena’s ‘drip’ was evident when they showed up together. Even though Scott has his unique style, Cena seems to be following a similar sartorial theme.

I look forward to seeing Cena reinventing himself for the new era along with his new heel turn. Fans across generations, including my kids and grandkids, remember Cena’s jerseys and the padlock chain. But it would be interesting for hardcore fans to see an action-figure of the latest ‘drip’ of John Cena, him as a heel. Seems like he’s taking this heel turn way further than ever before.”

Watch the complete podcast episode below: