Ricochet – ‘Vince McMahon Once Told Me One My Spots Was Too Spectacular’

Ricochet – ‘Vince McMahon Once Told Me One My Spots Was Too Spectacular’
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Ricochet, a pro wrestler currently with AEW, was recently a guest on the “Talk Is Jericho” podcast where he shared his experiences and thoughts on a range of topics. Among these was a noteworthy incident, where Vince McMahon, the former disgraced chairman of WWE, remarked that one of his moves during a match was too spectacular.

In the podcast, a number of highlights were discussed.

Regarding his fight against the Retribution in WWE, Ricochet recalled, “I once wrestled Retribution, which included Ali, Dijak [T-Bar], Mason Madden and other big names. Their team was formidable, and they would defeat me week after week. I remember transitioning from being defeated by Hurt Business to Retribution for a number of weeks. I had one specific move in the match. Even though I ended up losing, this was my standout spot.”

He also shared Vince McMahon’s surprising reaction to his standout move, saying, “I recall returning backstage with everyone applauding the match. Vince, however, said that my move was too spectacular, adding that ‘John Cena couldn’t even do that.’ I was perplexed at his comment because, realistically, he can’t replicate that move. Although I agreed with him, I kept my thoughts to myself. Given my outspoken nature, I may have ended up saying more than necessary. Discussing this with Vince wasn’t a viable option.”

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