Ricochet Gets Transferred to the Alumni Section by WWE

Ricochet Gets Transferred to the Alumni Section by WWE
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The buzz about the potential departure of Ricochet from World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has been gaining momentum in recent weeks. According to speculation, he’s likely to exit the WWE once his contract comes to an end. A storyline was crafted which featured him being ambushed by Bron Breakker during the June 10th episode of WWE Monday Night RAW, effectively writing him out of the show. However, he remained officially a part of the RAW roster until this point.

In a significant move, WWE has now shifted Ricochet’s Superstars profile to its “alumni” page, an indication that he is no longer an active member of the roster.

This change is typically made when a wrestler’s time with the company wraps up, as WWE usually wouldn’t bother to relocate profiles if there were any imminent plans for them to return to the screen. Especially considering the fact that the company doesn’t frequently update their website with the latest information.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe Ricochet will make a WWE comeback? If you have any venue in mind where you’d like to see him continue his career, feel free to share your ideas in the comments.