‘Ric Flair Opines – The Young Bucks are Truly, Exceptionally Outstanding’

‘Ric Flair Opines – The Young Bucks are Truly, Exceptionally Outstanding’
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WWE legend Ric Flair recently shared his thoughts on today’s wrestling scene, as well as his favorite performers. The Young Bucks, Orange Cassidy, Randy Orton, AJ Styles, among others, make up Flair’s favored roster.

When speaking with SB Nation recently, Flair elaborated on his thoughts about the current wrestling scene and the performers he enjoys watching most. He also shared insights about the triumphal return of pro wrestling in this past year.

Commenting on the revival of professional wrestling, Flair said, “It’s maintained its relevance. The involvement of The Rock in the past six months injected a considerable boost. However, it’s an evergreen form of entertainment adored by Americans. The dynamics of the good guy and the bad guy make it an incredible spectacle, and I still own a great love for it.”

Flair also reflected on the essence of storytelling in wrestling, which he suggested was unique with each opponent. He recalled, “The narrative differed with each competitor I was up against. For instance, with Steamboat, there was an understanding and we just flowed, thanks to the countless hours we worked together. Whereas, with Sting, it was a learning curve, but he adapted remarkably quickly.”

Discussing the crowd engagement during a match, Flair stated, “Once you’ve captured their attention, you can entertain them. An engaged audience can make an hour seem like 20 minutes. But without their attention, the same hour can drag on. Mastering the art of controlling the audience’s ups and downs is a crucial aspect of it, allowing them to feel every emotion you’re experiencing.”

Flair also named his top wrestlers to watch, saying, “First on the list would be my daughter [Charlotte Flair]. But I also enjoy watching Randy [Orton], AJ [Styles] among others. Picking only four or five is hard, given the fantastic talent in both companies. It’s equally tough to say who’s the best, but I have some favourites. The Young Bucks are truly exceptional, and their match against Sting and Darby [Allin] was standout. Everyone, including the exceptionally entertaining Orange Cassidy, are all wonderful people.”

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