Ric Flair Criticizes Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff & Jim Herd Regarding the Decline of WCW

Ric Flair Criticizes Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff & Jim Herd Regarding the Decline of WCW
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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Seven Bucks Productions recently explored the history of WCW in their newest docuseries, “Who Killed WCW?”. The production had Dwayne Johnson and Dany Garcia in programming oversight roles.

Ric Flair, a celebrated WWE Hall of Famer, publicly stated his viewpoint on WCW’s downfall. He pointed fingers at Jim Herd, Vince Russo, and Eric Bischoff. His issued statement via Twitter read,

“I’ve attempted to stay quiet on this, but it’s clear – who brought down WCW? The blame lies with a trio comprising Jim Herd, @EBischoff, and @THEVinceRusso. Neither an individual wrestler nor a wrestling faction could have caused the collapse of WCW. This grim situation was the result of the mismanagement by the ones at the helm, leading to discord and conflict. They deceived everyone and forced their way into the promotion, embodying ultimate failure. I could cite a thousand more instances. Nonetheless, I am one lucky enough to survive all three disasters, only to be resurrected by @WWE. A heartfelt gratitude towards WWE for reviving someone whose career was almost sunk by this unethical triad.”

Following this tweet, Flair made another public declaration,

“Appreciate the response, @THEVinceRusso. Regardless of what I’m eating, at least I’m financially capable of affording it, something I doubt you are capable of. I am ready to offer k each to you, @EBischoff, and Jim Herd, as advance payment, to appear in Tampa or Atlanta. I also offer to rent the venue either in Tampa or Atlanta, ensuring a sell-out crowd, so we can debate this in person. I have faith that I can turn this into a PPV event, because, let’s face it, I am Ric Flair and you are not. That’s simply the narrative of my life.”