Rhea Ripley Reveals Her Dream Male Opponents: Rey Mysterio and Edge

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On a recent edition of the “Wrestle Binge” podcast, Rhea Ripley was asked to name her dream male opponents in WWE.


Without a second thought, Ripley singled out WWE Hall of Famers Edge and Rey Mysterio. The WWE Women’s World Champion also named fan-favorite Randy Orton who is no stranger to RKO’ing women in the ring. She said,

I got a lot of male dream opponents. Obviously I would love to beat some sense into Dom’s deadbeat father. I think me versus Rey Mysterio would be absolutely amazing, and I would put him in his place. Then there’s also Edge. I would love to face Edge. He was the leader of The Judgment Day at one point, and Mami don’t like getting bosses around by anyone. I don’t like feeling like I have someone in charge, and that’s why The Judgment Day works so well now. So I still have a lot of pent-up aggression against Edge that I would love to get out.”

She continued, “But then there’s one more person that everyone keeps throwing at me, and that’s Randy Orton. They want Randy to come back so that I can get RKO’ed because I keep sticking my business in the men’s business. ‘Rhea Ripley keeps hitting the men, they can’t hit her back.’ They can hit me back. They just choose not to. You know why? Because they know their place, they know their role, and they know Mami’s always on top.

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Rhea Ripley Reveals Her Dream Male Opponents in WWE

In a recent episode of the “Wrestle Binge” podcast, Rhea Ripley, the current WWE Women’s World Champion, was asked to name her dream male opponents in WWE. Without hesitation, Ripley mentioned three names: Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Randy Orton.

Ripley expressed her admiration for WWE Hall of Famers Edge and Rey Mysterio. She stated that facing off against Rey Mysterio would be an amazing experience, and she would love to put him in his place. Ripley also mentioned her desire to face Edge, as she still harbors pent-up aggression towards him for being the leader of The Judgment Day at one point. She emphasized that she doesn’t like feeling bossed around by anyone and wants to prove herself against Edge.

However, it was her mention of Randy Orton that caught the attention of many. Ripley acknowledged that fans have been suggesting a match between her and Orton, with the expectation that she would receive an RKO from him. She addressed the criticism she has faced for involving herself in men’s business and explained that the men can hit her back if they choose to, but they know their place and role in relation to her dominance.

Ripley’s comments highlight her confidence and determination to assert her dominance in the WWE. As the Women’s World Champion, she has proven herself as a formidable force in the women’s division. Her desire to challenge male opponents demonstrates her ambition to break barriers and prove that gender should not limit one’s abilities in the wrestling world.

The mention of these dream male opponents by Ripley has sparked excitement among fans who are eager to see these matches become a reality. The potential matchups between Ripley and Edge, Rey Mysterio, or Randy Orton would undoubtedly create captivating storylines and intense in-ring action.

As fans eagerly await the possibility of these dream matches, they can stay updated with all the latest wrestling news on eWrestlingNews.com. The website provides comprehensive coverage of WWE and other wrestling promotions, ensuring fans are always in the know. Additionally, fans can follow eWrestlingNews on Twitter and Facebook for real-time updates and engaging discussions.

In conclusion, Rhea Ripley’s revelation of her dream male opponents in WWE has generated excitement and anticipation among wrestling fans. Her desire to face off against Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Randy Orton showcases her determination to prove herself against top male competitors. As the Women’s World Champion, Ripley continues to break barriers and challenge traditional gender roles in the wrestling industry.