Rey Mysterio once suggested a brief switch to villainy for Dominik.

Rey Mysterio once suggested a brief switch to villainy for Dominik.
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Professional wrestler Rey Mysterio recently shared in an interview that he once proposed a storyline where he would betray his son Dominik. During a conversation on the “Insight With Chris Van Vliet” podcast, Rey discussed this exclusive insight.

Rey Mysterio revealed, “I recall raising the topic once when Dom and I were collaborating. I mentioned my idea to Vince, but it was a short conversation. I thought of creating a scenario where I betray Dom and we carry the plot forward from there. However, my peers convinced me it was a bad idea. They felt that, as the perennial good guy, fans could never perceive me as a villain. They compared me to Ricky Steamboat, saying no one could ever view him as a bad guy and they doubted that viewers would accept me in such a role.”

Rey Mysterio continued reflecting on the proposal, saying, “I’m fairly relieved that I heeded their advice and that my suggestion was not implemented. In retrospect, it seems the ideal course is for Dom to evolve into the antagonist and embody that role.”

Added below is a video of Rey Mysterio discussing Dom’s heel run, Eddie Guerrero, his retirement plans, his WWE championship experiences, and his personal legacy.

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