Results of WWE Fast-Paced Match: Nathan Frazer versus Akira Tozawa.

Results of WWE Fast-Paced Match: Nathan Frazer versus Akira Tozawa.
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In a recent episode of WWE Speed, viewers kept their eyes glued to the screen as the search for the next top contender carried on. Nathan Frazer, the reigning NXT Tag Team Champion, was matched up with formidable opponent, Akira Tozawa.

On the WWE Speed episode aired on June 26th, Frazer managed to triumph over Tozawa, propelling him into the succeeding round. Frazer clinched the win with just 40 seconds to spare.

Riding on the momentum of his victory, Frazer is poised to face Xavier Woods in the upcoming July 3rd episode of WWE Speed. Woods secured his place by earning a victory against Dijak.

The champion of the competition between Frazer and Woods will go on to challenge Andrade for WWE Speed Championship. Andrade came out as the reigning champion after overcoming Ricochet, the inaugural winner.