Response to Joe Hendry’s Cameo on WWE NXT Behind the Scenes

Response to Joe Hendry’s Cameo on WWE NXT Behind the Scenes
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As observed in the most recent episode of WWE NXT, celebrated TNA Wrestling’s athlete Joe Hendry made a special guest appearance in the prime #1 Contenders battle royal. Before the match began, he delivered a succinct promotional talk.

A recent report from the insider wrestling news source Fightful Select, revealed that officials from WWE NXT were reported to be “very happy” with the response that Hendry elicited from the NXT spectators at the iconic Capitol Wrestling Center.

Moreover, insiders from TNA also expressed satisfaction with the development of Hendry’s narrative involving Frankie Kazarian being extended into the NXT platform. Despite this positive feedback, some pundits expressed interest in seeing Hendry’s character be highlighted for a lengthier span.

Word has it that viewers can anticipate Hendry to pop up in more NXT episodes in the near future.

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