Reports Suggest Vince McMahon is Prohibited from Entering WWE Offices

Reports Suggest Vince McMahon is Prohibited from Entering WWE Offices
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Image of Vince McMahon

Connections between Vince McMahon and the WWE are becoming increasingly strained as legal proceedings concerning sex trafficking accusations directed at him by Janel Grant continue to unfold.

Tom Carlucci, a previous WWE employee, expressed concerns that McMahon could now face difficulties in gaining entry to WWE Headquarters.

During an episode of The Insiders podcast, broadcast via Ad Free Shows, host Conrad Thompson chatted with Carlucci, who offered some context regarding McMahon, stating:

“I’d never say anything bad about Vince. However, his current circumstances are a separate issue. Every tale has three sides as far as I’m concerned. New details are sure to come to light, although I don’t have any specifics. We’ll see how it plays out.”

Regarding the state of affairs at WWE HQ, Carlucci commented,

“He’s barred from setting foot in the building, which is astonishing. His dream from day one was for all of us to operate under the same roof – that dream became reality and he’s no longer part of it.”

“The gym was built for Vince. He and his trainer Mike, who I’m friends with, designed it. He can’t even use that gym now. His presence will be missed at meetings, and it’s insane considering he’s the one who built the legacy.”

Despite this, Carlucci’s wife remains at WWE and likens HQ to a museum, highlighting its on-site SmackDown café and even its own Starbucks franchise.

To hear more from Carlucci about his professional journey and his bond with McMahon, visit to listen to the interview.