Reports suggest past IWGP World Heavyweight Champion is in the city before this evening’s AEW Dynamite.

Reports suggest past IWGP World Heavyweight Champion is in the city before this evening’s AEW Dynamite.
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A report from Rami J. Hanna at indicates that the former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Shingo Takagi, has been spotted at the hotel where AEW’s talent are staying for this evening’s Dynamite TV recordings.

Notedly, Takagi was noticed engaging in conversations with various wrestlers and even shared a coffee break with Bryan Danielson.

Recently, Takagi made an appearance in a promotional video for AEW Dynamite, which confirmed his involvement in the forthcoming Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament.

Here is the latest schedule for this evening’s AEW Dynamite episode:

The show begins with a match between MJF and RUSH, with no commercials.

Next in line is the AEW Tag Team Title Eliminator, pitting The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) against The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens).

This will be followed by a collision between Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy, and Dante Martin against Roderick Strong, Kyle Fletcher, Konosuke Takeshita, and Zack Sabre Jr.

The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal will see Claudio Castagnoli in a match against PAC, with Bryan Danielson providing commentary.

In the women’s category for the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarterfinal, Kris Statlander will face Nyla Rose.

The rest of the evening will unveil the Owen Hart Foundation tournament brackets, a contract signing between Toni Storm & Mina Shirakawa named Forbidden Door, and a face-to-face between Swerve Strickland & Will Ospreay.