Renee Paquette On Jon Moxley – ‘He Leaves Tootsie Rolls All Over The House’

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Renee Paquette recently appeared on the “Liv Moods Live” podcast to discuss a variety of topics, including the one thing people don’t know about her.

Additionally, the AEW backstage interviewer commented on her husband Jon Moxley driving her crazy by leaving Tootsie Rolls all over the house, what her in-ring gimmick would be, and more.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

One thing people do not know about you: “I can be an assh*le. Everyone thinks I’m too nice, but I can be an assh*le.”

One thing that Jon Moxley does that drives her crazy: “He leaves Tootsie Rolls all over the house.”

One skill Moxley is better at than her: “The roughhousing.”

On what her in-ring gimmick would be: “Probably one that I came up with many many moons ago called Renee Con Queso. I was a luchador and my finishing move was spray cheese to the face.”

On why Canadians apologize so much: “I have no idea what that’s about. It’s a lot. I think it’s some kind of inferiority complex or what or we’re just too polite, but that is a thing that we do. I don’t know what that’s about.”

On her favorite thing to cook: “Pasta. Always a pasta dish.”

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