Ratings for WWE Legends Biography on 5/26/24

Ratings for WWE Legends Biography on 5/26/24
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The latest installment of Biography: WWE Legends saw a dip in its viewership ratings and audience pull compared to its previous episode.

The episode that aired on May 26th, which showcased the life and career of Eddie Guerrero, registered a 0.05 rating in the 18-49 age bracket and attracted 218,000 viewers.

In percentage terms, these figures indicate a fall of 28.6% and 3.5%, respectively, from the prior week’s ratings of 0.07 in the same age group and an audience of 226,000 for the special chronicling Steve Austin’s last match.

This signifies the lowest ratings the series has recorded this far, outdoing the poor performance from the week before.

Biography: WWE Legends was squaring off against AEW Double Or Nothing 2024 and the NBA playoff game between the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Dallas Mavericks, which managed to pull in a 2.32 demo rating and a whopping 7,130,000 viewers on TNT.