QT Marshall Says He Pitched Anthony Bowens’ ‘I’m Gay’ Segment

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On a recent edition of “Busted Open Radio,” Daniel Garcia shared his experience working alongside Chris Jericho and thanked the former AEW World Champion for his willingness to try new and unorthodox ideas. He said,

“The biggest thing with being with Jericho, he doesn’t tell you what to do, he doesn’t even really try to steer you in the right direction. He gives me the confidence to try. I’ll see Jericho do things that other wrestlers would never dream of doing, they would feel so self-conscious doing. I’m like, If Chris Jericho, the person that beat The Rock and Steve Austin in the same night, who has been on top for 20 years, if he’s willing to try this new thing that might seem goofy or intimidating to some people, why shouldn’t I give myself, a couple years into the business, the opportunity to try something? Why am I scared to fall on my face? Why am I scared to fail? Jericho has tried things, it’s the most random things, and it’s gotten over. Why am I so afraid to try something that I want to do, I shouldn’t be afraid to fail. That’s the biggest confidence Jericho has given me, don’t be afraid to try.”


Anthony Bowens rebuffed Harley Cameron by reminding her about his gay orientation on AEW Rampage last month, and QT Marshall reveals that he was the man behind the phrase.

On a recent edition of the “Talk is Jericho” podcast, Jericho spoke about the June 23rd Rampage segment, where Cameron told Bowens that “It’s pretty clear that you’re into me” to which The Acclaimed member declared “I’m gay”.

The moment got over with the live crowd who chanted “He’s Gay!” chant in support of Bowens.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On pitching the idea: “If it was a terrible segment, I would have blamed it on someone else. I texted Bowens and said, ‘I have an idea. With it being Pride month, you’re obviously someone that talks about this, you have the YouTube channel, is there a way with [Harley’s] character being naive that you say this in the ring.’ ‘I’d love to.’ ‘Okay, if you don’t want to do it, delete this text message. If you’re okay with it, I think it can be really special.’:

On the fan reaction to the moment: “I thought the crowd would pop. I didn’t think the whole arena would chant ‘he is gay’ in a positive way. I told Billy (Gunn) and was like, ‘How do we do it? How do we set it up?’ ‘You need to stay in the back, have her come out by herself because if you’re out there, they’re just going to chant QT sucks and no one is going to see the whole thing.’ I was overly joyed with how it came out. The Twitter video, I texted Tony (Khan) the next day, ‘We’re almost up to five million views on this thing. Next week, we need to show this again. Don’t share our part, show him.’ We took a chance.”

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