Pretty Deadly ‘Honored’ To Be Hosting NXT Provide & stand With Miz Hosting WrestleMania 39

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Pretty Deadly will be hosting NXT Stand & & Deliver on Saturday, and the duo just recently talked about the honor of hosting the marquee program while WWE Grand Slam Champion The Miz hosts WrestleMania 39.

Talking With Jim Varsallone, Elton Prince and Kit Wilson kept in mind that them hosting WWE NXT Stand & & Deliver is a much better fit than Meryl Streep in Sophie’s Choice.

You can have a look at some highlights from the interview listed below:

Wilson on hosting Stand & & Deliver while Miz hosts WrestleMania:” It’s an honor. You might argue that the 3 most significant super stars, perhaps … The 3 most must-see super stars in WWE are hosting WrestleMania and Stand & & Deliver. It’s practically composed in the stars. It simply makes good sense. It is a honor. I’m extremely delighted. As everybody who’s gon na be seeing this understands, Stand & & Deliver is our WrestleMania. It’s the most significant program of the year. It’s where every story and whatever, all the enjoyment causes this one day. To be the one group, nearly in charge basically, there’s a little bit of power there, which is great. To be those 2 individuals, it’s an excellent day. It’s an honor.”

Prince on the significance of their hosting gig:” I will state, I believe Pretty Deadly hosting Stand & & Deliver is a much better fit than Meryl Streep in Sophie’s Choice. I will state that. It’s a much better fit. She simply could not cope with herself. [Gets psychological] She needed to decide. [Takes a 2nd to gather himself] Please continue, sorry.”

Wilson on who they’re taking motivation from:” We’ve gained from the greats. We’ve viewed, we’ve studied. Ricky Gervais, an Englishman, he’s succeeded. There’s a duo out there still pondside called Ant & & Dec, some heroes of ours. We’re following their steps. The English understand, the Americans, not a lot. That’s alright … It’s a huge task. We’re going to step up and smash it out of the park. We’ve got our clothing all set. We got our microphone prepared. We’re gon na have our hair and makeup all set. It’s gon na be a phenomenon similar to these weekends constantly are, and similar to we constantly are, magnificent.”

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