Presenting the idea of Frankie the Parrot to Vince McMahon by Koko B. Ware.

Presenting the idea of Frankie the Parrot to Vince McMahon by Koko B. Ware.
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In a recent episode of the podcast “Stories With Brisco & Bradshaw”, Koko B. Ware, a celebrated inductee of the WWE Hall of Fame, shared the backstory of the concept of incorporating Frankie the Parrot into his WWE Birdman persona.

Discussing the inspiration behind interspersing his gimmick with a bird, Frankie, he explained, “I carried the image of birds on my wrestling gear. My persona as ‘The Birdman’ was brought to life in Louisiana. I eventually discovered a parrot in a pet store which I photographed.”

Recollecting Vince McMahon’s reaction to the notion, he said, “Vince remarked, ‘Koko, if you were to join us, you would need to travel globally with this parrot.'”

He added that Frankie was a hit with the younger fans. “The children were fond of me because I stood out. The sight of Birdman with Frankie perched beside the ring was something they cherished.”

Below is the full episode featuring Koko B. Ware for additional details.