Pete Dunne Took a Heel Turn Against Sheamus in the WWE RAW Episode Aired on 15th July

Pete Dunne Took a Heel Turn Against Sheamus in the WWE RAW Episode Aired on 15th July
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After a spell away from his notorious heel character, Pete Dunne has returned to his bad-guy antiques, launching an ambush on Sheamus during this week’s WWE Monday Night RAW.

In the previous week’s bout, Bronson Reed triumphed over Pete Dunne and was primed to deliver another Tsunami on him. However, The Celtic Warrior swooped in to intervene. Dunne’s nonchalant response to Sheamus’ attempt to help proved misleading, as it foreshadowed a more assertive repudiation this week.

In stark contrast to what was expected, during Monday’s night match where Sheamus took on Bronson Reed, Dunne began by seeming to lend support to his former ally, Sheamus. However, his supposed gesture of goodwill swiftly took a turn when he declined a handshake offer from Sheamus, blindsiding him with an unexpected attack from behind.

Unmoved by the wave of condemnatory jeers from spectators, Dunne simply delivered a casual shrug in response.

The New Catch Republic will have to wait, as Tyler Bate’s torn pectoral muscle injury puts him out of action for the foreseeable future. Initially, speculation about a reunion of The Brawling Brutes seemed possible – only for Dunne’s recent actions to put that idea to bed.

What do you make of this new twist? Do you believe Dunne is more effective as a heel? Or do you wish for a revival of the Sheamus-Dunne team? We’re keen to hear your thoughts, drop them below!