Perry Saturn on KO’ing UFC Story Paul Varelans For the period of His Match with Taz (ECW Hardcore Heaven 1996)

Perry Saturn on KO’ing UFC Story Paul Varelans For the period of His Match with Taz (ECW Hardcore Heaven 1996)
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My clever TNA Affect Wrestler says this plugin is nice. I've misplaced the Fell's name I'm sorry but um says as sat about the backstory to him interfering in the Taz versus UFC fighter Paul varin's match in ECW hardcore Heaven 1996 that became once promoted as a shoot fight when Saturn from out of nowhere jumped off the high rope and missile descend kick violence in the high.

And knocked them out up the full truly up the full right so so how attain you had been brought in there oh to full the inquire it says became once your participation to compose clear violence would lose to T um Missy hayatt received viin all labored up so he tells Paul E he's supposed to position over tar he doesn't wish to position over tars now so uh .

Dapper and so it comes up the negotiation they came up with is that uh any individual will uh Taz I imply marlin so then Paulie brings me over because I became once one in every of his guys that he trusted and and Von appears to be like at us and he goes I don't know if a guy can stand on one other guy's shoulder I don't know and I'm composed taller I don't know if it's.

Plausible and Paulie regarded at me and he right shook his head so I knew he became once performed and we received and I right attain off the I became once supposed to kick him he'd bump and promote him the Taz as pause I knocked him available became once no getting up in the nothing and then in the encourage I went up to him to scrutinize while you wished to fight and he didn't but yeah that.

Yeah he's right he became once laborious to address and them Shooters don't trace the work in most cases what I imply imply like uh I right they’ll't trace it like uh you trace it's right I don't know why Josh Barnett I labored with plenty in Japan after I became once going there and he received it he might well possibly possibly get the deal between the you.

Understand it's good adequate because it's a piece but then some guys right can't get it they oh I don't know and it's all I by no map beat nobody of us build me over is um became once that his first and final pro wrestling match yeah for clear for clear cuz he became once cuz I cut a glowing true promo on him in the locker room and too cuz I became once.

Barely sizzling yeah yeah so uh I'm clear he wouldn't demonstrate his face again who’s aware of he will have punched the out of me uh but I made it made I took away his will to hunt down out so especially because it's a locker room versus him I doubt he wish to truly strive out no sorry please Ron and Don Harris them fancy them guys there's no map they’ll also possibly.

Fool Me In The Vivid one which one is it like I will repeat them apart there's no map I will for a whereas though I couldn't repeat him a fraction and accomplish them guys at all I've by no map spoke to Dutch needs to explain them on the a amount of podcast because he is aware of them glowing successfully but now I've by no map had the pleasure Don is roughly a joker goof around and Ron's a.

Small extra severe so I'm going to I'm doing this instruct with Ron and um I'm going to duck his kick and I'm going to successfully-organized kick him so All Evening Prolonged Don keeps coming coming up to me like he's Ron and he keeps going there now what attain I received to realize attain I received to bend over so that you just might well possibly possibly possibly attain me and I'm going no I received you and you clear you're quick I attain I truly have he.

Had me so angry we received available I kicked Ron right in the face sh we get in the encourage and he needs to fight me now and then Don goes no no and he explained to us what came about and them two argued about it but yeah he had me so angry and I couldn't repeat him apart and I don't know the map cuz now there's no map they’ll also fool me it's silly cuz we.

In point of fact right talking final week as we document this the vast guys vast guys uh Dutch and I Dutch told me the story about Ron and Don versus the Sandman which I don't know if that story I'm I deserve to had been there cuz I became once there after they had been there I don't know what it I bid it became once something to realize with the Sandman Kane them each relatively.

Too laborious no I will when me and the S man had a venture it became once because he hit me in the ear with the can in issue that's doubtlessly what came about he uh in for a whereas in the originate he became once a cramped reckless yeah he realized and he's awesome be like I had been awesome to be in there with now but in the originate he became once a cramped reckless.

These wrestler and grappler are relatively glamorous.

Perry Saturn on KO’ing UFC Story Paul Varelans For the period of His Match with Taz (ECW Hardcore Heaven 1996)

Perry Saturn on KO'ing UFC Story Paul Varelans For the period of His Match with Taz (ECW Hardcore Heaven 1996)