Paul Wight On CM Punk: A Lot Of People May Not Like Phil’s Attitude, But He’s A Star

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CM Punk has been in the headlines for various reasons, whether that be due to the backstage issues with many in AEW, his comments about The Elite or his influence over not having certain such as Ryan Nemeth, Matt Hardy and more not being allowed backstage at Collision shows. 

While speaking with DAZN for a new interview, Paul Wight defended CM Punk from criticism. 


[CM Punk brings] star power. A lot of people may not like Phil’s attitude,” said Wight (H/T to Fightful). “I’ve known Phil for a long time. We’ve been friends for a long time. Phil is super competitive and super driven. He expects a lot from himself, and he expects a lot from others around him. I think a lot [of what happened] in the beginning here is just a communication breakdown. People might not understand how passionate Phil is. Phil is a guy that’s going to let you know if he’s upset about something, and he’s not really going to give a crap if he hurts your feelings. He’s never been that way with me. If I’ve screwed up and done something, he’s letting me know right away, ‘What [were you] thinking?’ and it goes back and forth.

“I kind of have the same attitude. Not quite as intense as Phil, but mine is very business-oriented. What’s best for the program? What’s best for the overall show? A lot of times in a business when you have this many incredible talents with this many egos, feathers are gonna get rubbed the wrong way. There’s gonna be conflict. I mean, it’s not Romper Room. This is a serious business with serious athletes and everyone has to learn to communicate their passion in different ways, but the one thing that unequivocally nobody can deny is CM Punk brings star power.”

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