Paul Heyman Praises WWE’s Partnership With Netflix, Seth Rollins Talks Nixed Bronson Reed Match

Paul Heyman Praises WWE’s Partnership With Netflix, Seth Rollins Talks Nixed Bronson Reed Match
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Paul Heyman Praises WWE’s Partnership With Netflix, Seth Rollins Talks Nixed Bronson Reed Match

Professional wrestler Bronson Reed is currently experiencing a hiatus following a foot injury during the climactic showdown of WWE Survivor Series: WarGames 2024.

In a recent conversation on the “WFAN” podcast, Seth Rollins unveiled that a duel had been planned between him and Reed at the Main Event, scheduled for a Saturday night last December.

Nonetheless, the injury that Reed encountered led to the cancellation of the anticipated match.

Expressing his disappointment, Rollins said, I was so bummed. I think I was on the books for a match for that show, but my opponent, Bronson Reed, decided to jump off the top of a cage and snap his ankle. My match got scrapped.

According to Paul Heyman, WWE’s collaboration with Netflix has proved instrumental in transitioning WWE from being a “niche industry” to becoming a “multibillion-dollar secret joy.”

While conversing with THR recently, Heyman talked about the remarkable growth of WWE and how Netflix is playing a crucial role in introducing the franchise to a broader spectrum of audience.

Key highlights from the conversation are listed below:

On the expansion journey of WWE leading to a partnership with Netflix: “Before COVID, it was a niche industry, it was a secret joy for many, and then it evolved into a multibillion-dollar secret joy and a multibillion-dollar niche industry. Now, with our content being distributed on Netflix, we’re no longer a niche player and have transitioned to Main Street.”

About the role of Netflix in reaching out to new WWE enthusiasts: “There isn’t much difference between a Travis Scott concert and a Frank Sinatra one. Certain things remain constant – performing in front of exuberant fans, entertaining a zealous live audience, putting up a show for people who paid to watch you deliver an unparalleled performance. However, we now need to go the extra mile. We need to elevate the experiences from a mere spectator sport to a soap opera in action. Sometimes it’s physical, akin to a Shakespearean drama. And other times, it’s all about the dialogue.”