Outcomes from WWE NXT Live Show in Gainesville, FL: Noteworthy Tag Team Main Event

Outcomes from WWE NXT Live Show in Gainesville, FL: Noteworthy Tag Team Main Event
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WWE hosted an NXT live occasion on Saturday night from Gainesville, FL and the results, courtesy of WrestlingBodySlam.com, were as follows:

Dante Chen came out victorious over Skylor Clinton.

Tatum Paxley overcame Breanna Covington in their matchup.

Josh Briggs triumphed over Antione Frazier.

Jakara Jackson, alongside Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, and Lash Legend, defeated Arianna Grace.

Javier Bernal emerged victorious against Uriah Connors.

The team of Chase U, featuring Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Riley Osborne, backed by Thea Hail, outmatched Gallus, consisting of Wolfgang, Mark Coffey, and Joe Coffey.

The Family, composed of Tony D’Angelo, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, and Luca Crusifino with Adrianna Rizzo at ringside, overpowered BJ Sexy Ray, Vincent Winey, and an unidentified new contender.

Lash Legend, with the support of Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, and Jakara Jackson, defeated Thea Hail, who was accompanied by Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Riley Osborne in a surprising twist when Fallon Henley entered the ring unnoticed by the referee and delivered a devastating hit to Hail.

The formidable duo of NXT Champion Trick Williams and Je’Von Evans proved too potent for Meta-Four, formed by Noam Dar and Oro Mensah in the final showdown.