Outcomes from WWE NXT Live Show at Orlando, FL: Legend versus Perez.

Outcomes from WWE NXT Live Show at Orlando, FL: Legend versus Perez.
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On Saturday evening, WWE conducted a live NXT event in Orlando, Florida. The results are as follows, via WrestlingBodySlam.com:

– Edris Enofe, accompanied by Brinley Reece, emerged victorious against Anthony Luke.

– Lash Legend triumphed in a battle royal, securing herself an opportunity to contend for the NXT Women’s Title in the primary event.

– The trio of Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Ridge Holland, also known as Chase U and supported by Thea Hail, defeated the No Quarter Catch Crew comprising Myles Borne, Damon Kemp, and Charlie Dempsey.

– In a face-off against Destinee Brown, Lainey Reid claimed victory.

– Partnered with Lucien Price, Jaida Parker triumphed over Karmen Petrovic.

– In the NXT North American Championship, Oba Femi, the current title holder, successfully defended his belt against Luca Crusifino, who was accompanied by Adrianna Rizzo.

– Je’Von Evans defeated Malik Blade, who was backed by Edris Enofe and Brinley Reece.

– Supported by Luca Crusifino and Adrianna Rizzo, Tony D’Angelo secured a win against Tavion Heights.

– In a deciding match, Gallus (consisting of Wolfgang, Mark Coffey, and Joe Coffey) outperformed Trick Williams, Wes Lee, and Dante Chen.

– In the NXT Women’s Championship, title-holder Roxanne Perez defended her title successfully from Lash Legend.