Once More, Tommaso Ciampa Unsuccessfully Attempts RKO On Randy Orton

Once More, Tommaso Ciampa Unsuccessfully Attempts RKO On Randy Orton
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The Legend Killer, Randy Orton, has once again managed to slip out of Tommaso Ciampa’s attempt at a sneaky RKO. Despite Ciampa’s persistent efforts, Orton proves too elusive for the wrestling figure known as the Blackheart.

Johnny Gargano, a fellow wrestler, took to Twitter to share footage showing Ciampa trying to launch an unsuspecting RKO on Orton in the backstage area. Regardless, the ever-alert Orton dodged the move just in the nick of time.

This instance wasn’t the first time Ciampa attempted to pull off the RKO on Orton. He had tried to surprise Orton with this move at ringside, only to have Orton skillfully dodge the manoeuvre.

Orton is not alone in employing the ‘cutter’ as closing move in his arsenal. Other wrestlers such as John Laurinaitis, who labelled it as the Ace Crusher, and DDP who dubbed his version as the Diamond Cutter, have also used similar finishers.