Odyssey Jones Makes a Comeback on WWE RAW, Lending Assistance to The New Day

Odyssey Jones Makes a Comeback on WWE RAW, Lending Assistance to The New Day
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Do you recall the name Odyssey Jones? Given his long absence from WWE television, it wouldn’t be surprising if you don’t.

Jones, despite having been drafted twice to the Monday Night RAW roster, only fought once in WWE Main Event in March 2023. Since then, his appearances were sporadic at best, mostly limited to dark matches and house shows and often with considerable gaps between his bouts.

The reasons behind his absence remain unclear, but Jones has now triumphantly returned. On August 5, 2024 edition of WWE RAW, he reemerged to offer his assistance to The New Day, fending off The Final Testament single-handedly.

Following this memorable segment, the trio was seen backstage. During this glimpse backstage, it was revealed that Jones had formed a bond with Kofi Kingston at the WWE Performance Center when Kofi was recovering from recent injuries. Xavier Woods appeared slightly taken aback at this revelation, although the situation soon lightened up as Alpha Academy began to create a jovial atmosphere.

Time will tell if Jones will officially become a New Day member or remain a powerful ally. Yet, his donning of a New Day t-shirt might suggest that WWE envisions him as a part of the group.

What are your thoughts about Jones’ dramatic comeback? Feel free to share your opinions in the comments section below!