“No one recalls Will Ospreay’s bouts, for he is no Kenny Omega!”

“No one recalls Will Ospreay’s bouts, for he is no Kenny Omega!”
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In a recent interaction on Twitch, Kenny Omega, the ex-champion of AEW World, shared views about will Ospreay, his long-time adversary.

Omega addressed Ospreay’s prowess but firmly stated that the latter would never reach his level of skill and performance.

Here are some notable statements from his livestream:

His thoughts about Will ospreay: “I recall having that driven instinct, an ego if you may, even a brutal disposition. It’s akin to what ospreay has, with him flaunting himself as the best at every opportunity. I was similar, but not quite at his level. I let my actions speak and others called me the best. Ospreay on the other hand, unabashedly proclaims himself as the best. That irritates me to no end—a constant proclamation of being the best of the 21st century, the best wrestler anyone’s ever seen. I’ve seen my own performances, I know my worth. He’s competent, I’ll give him that. But he ain’t me. He wasn’t me. He will never be me.”

Regarding Will Ospreay: “Talking about the matches, who even remembers yours, Will? Seems like no one does. Who had stellar matches against Okada, Naito, Ibushi, Goto, Tanahashi, freaking Yoshi-Hashi? My performances persevered, not yours. I was the one who gave those pivotal performances that raked in [the money], it was all me, definitely not you.”

About transcending the five-star match rating scale: “Get that damned Dave Meltzer checklist. Every single time. See if anyone apart from Dave Meltzer remembers or even cares… I earn the admiration of the audience and also Dave Meltzer. I shattered the rating scale. That must have caused some confusion with him, distorted his idea of what a good match is… I guess he no longer has a grasp on it. He can’t decipher what’s going on in the wrestling world anymore. When I shattered the limits, he got overwhelmed.”

In January 2023, Omega defeated Ospreay at NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 17 held at the Tokyo Dome.

But Ospreay flipped the script at their follow-up match at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door II in June, emerging as the triumphant one.