Nikki Cross and Joe Gacy Proclaim ‘We’ve Arrived’ Following Wyatt Sick6’s Inaugural Appearance

Nikki Cross and Joe Gacy Proclaim ‘We’ve Arrived’ Following Wyatt Sick6’s Inaugural Appearance
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On the recent installment of WWE RAW, Monday night was brought to a thrilling conclusion with the surprise comeback of Uncle Howdy, along with the debut of the novel group: Wyatt Sick6.

The squad comprises real-life representations of characters including Ramblin’ Rabbit, Huskus The Pig, Mercy The Buzzard, and Abby The Witch. The character of Abby is brought to life by Nikki Cross, while the character play of Mercy The Buzzard is delivered by Joe Gacy. Other members lending their talents to the group include Eric Rowan and Dexter Lumis.

Cross and Gacy have taken to the online realm of social media to express their sentiments with the public.

Social media quotes:

Joe Gacy on Twitter, June 18, 2024: “We’re Here.”

Joe Gacy on Twitter, June 18, 2024: Shared an image with no caption.

Nicola Glencross (Nikki Cross) on Twitter, June 18, 2024: Shared an image with no caption.