Nigel McGuinness Says Bulk Of Commentary Knowledge Came From Michael Cole

Nigel McGuinness Says Bulk Of Commentary Knowledge Came From Michael Cole
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Those who appreciate British commentator, Nigel McGuinness, owe their gratitude to WWE pro, Michael Cole. Cole was the person who significantly contributed to McGuinness’s wealth of knowledge in the field.

McGuinness served on the WWE commentary team from the period of 2016 to 2024. Michael Cole, in fact, was the one who recommended him to WWE in the initial stages.

In a recent episode of the podcast, “Talk is Jericho”, McGuinness shared insights about his learning journey under the tutelage of Cole and Tom Phillips. He expressed,

“Six fantastic years of learning under Michael Cole and Tom Phillips. If I know one hundred things about commentary on professional wrestling, probably ninety come from Michael Cole, so I’ll forever be grateful for him.”

McGuinness has since moved his career to AEW (All Elite Wrestling). He aspires to integrate his WWE experience to offer the topmost commentary he can on their shows. He articulated,

“Now that I’m here in AEW, I don’t know how you feel about it, but for me, I feel like I can take everything that I learned there and keep the good stuff, and the stuff that I don’t necessarily need to keep, I can let that go. I’ve got much more freedom now.”

Apart from his commentary role, McGuinness has also rejoined the wrestling scene as part of AEW, having recently squared off against Bryan Danielson.