Nigel McGuinness has expressed an interest in going head-to-head with Bryan Danielson.

Nigel McGuinness has expressed an interest in going head-to-head with Bryan Danielson.
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In a recent episode of the “Insight with Chris Van Vliet” podcast, Nigel McGuinness, AEW commentator, discussed his possible return to wrestling, his wish to compete against Bryan Danielson, among other topics.

Here are some key points from the podcast discussion:

When asked about his potential return to the ring, McGuinness revealed that he was open to the idea when he initially joined AEW. He shared an interesting snippet of a conversation he had with Tony during a cross-country flight. Tony, after swearing him to secrecy, told him about their plan to go to Wembley Stadium. The stadium held a special place in McGuinness’s heart as, while watching a match there in 1992, he got a strange feeling that he was meant to be a professional wrestler. However, he mentioned that the only match that would make any sense to him would be against Danielson, who unfortunately broke his arm in 2023 due to osteoporosis.

On the subject of a potential match against Danielson ever happening, he expressed doubt due to factors beyond his control, including whether Danielson would like to wrestle him. He humorously referred to a time when Danielson joked about breaking his neck if they ever faced off. Three weeks later, Danielson broke his arm, a situation McGuinness thought was karma.

When asked about the conditions under which he would consider making a comeback in the wrestling ring, McGuinness mentioned a match against Danielson at Wembley Stadium as the only suitable terms. He stated that while he is inspired by other AEW wrestlers like Christian Cage and Adam Copeland, he does not have any intention of stepping away from his announcing role to become a full-time wrestler again, unless it involves competing against Danielson.

McGuinness also discussed the potential of ending his career on his own terms. He reflected on his career’s unglamorous end, reminiscing on how his last match took place in a small volunteer fire department in West Virginia. However, he acknowledged that wrestlers often do not have control over how their careers end.

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