Nick Aldis Discusses the Significance of His WWE Role as the Greatest Opportunity of His Career

Nick Aldis Discusses the Significance of His WWE Role as the Greatest Opportunity of His Career
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On a recent edition of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Nick Aldis spoke about his current WWE role, noting that there was a time when he wasn’t sure he could even get his foot in the company.

Aldis is currently working as a backstage producer and the onscreen general manager of WWE SmackDown. He said,


I’d be lying if I said it was something that I was anticipating at this point. But at the same time, I’d sort of made peace with the idea that it may or may not happen. I think I sort of made peace with that several years ago, and I think that actually that was in many ways a sort of turning point that helped me embrace the other opportunities that came my way. I think I might have wasted some time with always having one eye on WWE, and eventually, I had a sort of epiphany where it was like look, they’re either gonna give you an opportunity or there’re not. All you can do is be the best version of you that you can, and show the world your vision of who you want to be. I heard you guys talking about my intro and this new role. You talked about opportunity, Bully, and that’s really the baseline of my approach going forward. You can’t determine what opportunities come your way. You can only determine what you do with those opportunities, and for anyone who is unfamiliar with my past, my experience, I’ve been in this business my entire adult life. This is my profession. I took a godawful Roman gladiator gimmick in 2009 and by 2013, I was the world champion. I took a brand that, if it wasn’t dead, it was on life support, and a belt that was not particularly well thought of, and within less than a year, headlined the biggest independent show in the history of pro wrestling. So for anyone who thinks that I would be disappointed or unhappy or anything like that with the opportunity to be in the biggest sports entertainment show in the world in this capacity, you’re out of your mind. I’m so happy, and I can’t wait to get stuck in. When you think about what I did with those opportunities, this is the biggest opportunity that I’ve ever had, and I’m fully ready to execute.

While Aldis may be new to WWE, his wife and 6-time Women’s Champion Mickie James spent twelve years with the promotion.

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Nick Aldis, the current backstage producer and onscreen general manager of WWE SmackDown, recently spoke about his journey to the company and his current role. In a recent interview on the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Aldis revealed that there was a time when he wasn’t sure if he could even get his foot in the door at WWE.

Aldis admitted that he wasn’t anticipating his current role in WWE and had made peace with the idea that it may or may not happen. He explained that he had previously wasted time always having one eye on WWE and waiting for an opportunity. However, he had a turning point where he realized that he could only be the best version of himself and embrace the other opportunities that came his way.

The wrestler emphasized the importance of making the most of the opportunities that come your way. He shared his own experiences, mentioning how he took a Roman gladiator gimmick in 2009 and by 2013, became the world champion. He also highlighted how he turned around a brand and a belt that were not well-regarded and headlined the biggest independent show in pro wrestling within a year.

Aldis expressed his happiness and excitement about his current role in WWE SmackDown. He sees it as the biggest opportunity he has ever had and is fully ready to execute. Despite being new to WWE, Aldis is no stranger to the wrestling business as his wife, Mickie James, spent twelve years with the promotion and is a six-time Women’s Champion.

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In conclusion, Nick Aldis’s journey to WWE SmackDown as a backstage producer and onscreen general manager is a testament to his perseverance and willingness to embrace opportunities. He is excited about this new role and is determined to make the most of it. Wrestling fans can stay informed about all the latest news on or through their social media channels.