Natlaya Wants New Fans To Watch Bret Vs. Owen From WrestleMania 10

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The WrestleMania X opener between Bret & Owen Hart is a must-see for new wrestling fans, according to Natalya Neidhart.

The deeply personal match would see Owen get the victory over his older brother, though Bret would become WWF Champion later in the show.


Speaking with “Minnesota Sports with Mackey & Judd,” Natalya was asked which match she’d recommend to new fans and didn’t hesitate to answer. She said,

“I always say to people, ‘If you want to get into this and you want to learn what this is about, watch Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart [at] WrestleMania X [in] Madison Square. [In the storyline] Owen was the little bratty brother and Bret was the big brother trying to, like, be noble and honorable — it was just an easy story to follow. But, it was this beautiful, beautiful match, and you could understand the story because a match is a story and a story is a match. That match was magical.”

Natalya added that Bret himself pushed for the match to happen at WrestleMania and said that something entirely different had been suggested for the two-time WWE Hall of Famer.

Bret and Owen would compete over the WWF Championship at SummerSlam 1994, with Bret retaining his title in a steel cage.

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