Natalya Reacts To AEW’s Annual Owen Hart Foundation Tournament

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Natalya has provided her thoughts on AEW’s annual Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.

Speaking with ABC’s Dearon Smith, the future WWE Hall of Famer revealed that she’s happy to see her uncle’s legacy being kept alive despite the fact that it is being done in a rival promotion.


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament: “It’s a great question and one that I don’t get asked very often. For me, any way that we can keep my uncle’s legacy alive — I don’t know all of the particulars of why we can’t do that in WWE. I know that — I have a deep amount of respect for [his widow,] Martha because I know that she’s gone through so much trauma and she lost so much. When you have to raise your kids without a dad, it’s something I’d never wish upon anyone to experience. So I always feel deeply for her, especially as a woman, but just as a person and knowing what kind of person my uncle was. Owen was such a special person.”

On wanting to honor Owen herself: “I work for WWE … but it’s not my place, because, of course, I’m not Martha. So it’s not my place to say ‘this is what should happen’ or ‘this is what I’d like to happen.’ It’s her call. It’s her life, and she’s had to endure so, so much. And I am just so happy that he is being honored, and he is being recognized, for not just the person he was in the ring, but the man he was outside the ring.”

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