Natalya Expresses Her Positive Outlook on Retirement: “I Feel Too Good to Retire”

Natalya Expresses Her Positive Outlook on Retirement: “I Feel Too Good to Retire”
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On a recent edition of the “Insight” podcast, Natalya discussed the possibility of hanging up her boots, why TJ Wilson can never wrestle again, and pitching a joint Hall of Fame induction for Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On why she’s not considering retirement: “I just feel so good. That’s the crazy thing is that, like people always say oh, when are you gonna wrap it up? When is it gonna be done? It’s like, Listen, this is Hotel California. You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave. Once you do this, like I’m a wrestler through and through like it’ll never ever, ever, ever, ever leave me ever. It’s a community. It’s a family. It’s a lifestyle. It’s a way of life and it doesn’t mean that I’ll be competing forever but it’s like, you know, when I saw Rey Mysterio, I was watching him in a match. I was live at a show and I went into the crowd and like put a hat on and watched him you know, I was incognito and I watched Rey perform live, it was in Mexico and he was wrestling Roman Reigns. And I was just like Rey is almost 50 and he is doing the best work of his career. He’s so inspiring, his gear, his look his energy, his vibe, his ability to move around to make people feel something and granted he was in there with one of the greatest of all time Roman, but Rey is one of the greatest of all time. He just inspires me so much and like I’m you know, I’m not close to being done when I look at like what Rey’s doing. I’m like Rey inspires me to want to do so much more and to also help people you know, because you look at who Rey’s worked with and how much he’s helped people even with Santos right now you know. I look up to so much as Rey, what he’s done.”

On why her husband TJ Wilson (aka Tyson Kidd) can’t wrestle again: “He can’t do anything that would require him to take a bump. So he can show little techniques, and TJ is like a wrestling savant. I think in the same way that Daniel Bryan did. He sees the industry in wrestling and everything, like he could ask him about a finish from a Bret Hart, match that’s very obscure, he’ll be able to tell you, he could tell you any single girl’s move set. He could, if you if you said, TJ, when did I have that match? Who was it against what arena what town, he’s like that with moves too. He just knows how to dissect it and pick it apart. He was working with Nia Jax on something and he was just helping her figure out exactly how to do it so that it was just perfect technique. And I was like, I didn’t even know TJ ever knew about that move. And he’s just so gifted, and he’s so good, but he just can’t bump. And that’s the thing when you have an injury, like what TJ had, where it’s a C1 injury, and not everybody’s familiar with what a C1 injury is. But it is where TJ broke his neck was at the base of his brain. So it’s where like the brain and the spinal cord meet. So it’s a very, very vulnerable area. And the actual medical term for that injury is called The Hangman fracture. So when people say, Oh, TJ, you know, we want to see you get back in the ring. And they see that he is very healthy, and he is in very great shape. Because he had a C1 injury with a C1 C2 fusion, he just can’t take a bump. And he has to be very careful. So he can’t ever come back to wrestling. I mean, he can do stuff, you know, he can do stuff, but he can’t take a bump. It would be really dangerous.”

On pitching Bret Hart and her late father Jim Neidhart going into the Hall of Fame together: “He [Bret Hart] made my dad, he helped my dad so much. When I look at it, Bret always says, you know, Jim helped me come out of my shell and Jim helped me find my personality. But when my dad and Bret were going into the Hall of Fame. It’s funny because I was very, very, very adamant. At one point it was approached, you know, it was, I was basically presented with the idea of my dad going in by himself. And I said, you know, I want my dad to go in with [Bret], I want my dad and Bret in there together as the Hart Foundation because that was my dad’s favourite time in his career. That’s when he had the most fun. That’s when he was the most alive. That’s when he just did his best work. And Bret just looked out for him so much. And they were just so close and such a well-oiled machine. And so as much as like, in that moment, Vince was like, we can put your dad in by himself. I was like, I want my dad and Bret together. I want them together because my dad would have wanted that. You know, and so that was really cool to be able to do that for my dad. It was something that he really I know he would have been so excited to be part of the Hall of Fame.”

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Natalya Discusses Retirement, Tyson Kidd’s Injury, and Hall of Fame Induction on Insight Podcast

In a recent episode of the “Insight” podcast, professional wrestler Natalya opened up about various topics, including the possibility of retiring from the sport, her husband Tyson Kidd’s career-ending injury, and her pitch for a joint Hall of Fame induction for Bret Hart and her late father Jim Neidhart.

When asked about retirement, Natalya expressed her passion for wrestling and stated that she feels great physically. She compared the wrestling industry to Hotel California, saying that once you’re in, you can never truly leave. While she acknowledged that she may not compete forever, she drew inspiration from veteran wrestler Rey Mysterio, who is almost 50 and still performing at his best. Natalya mentioned that Rey’s work ethic and ability to connect with the audience motivate her to continue wrestling and help others in the industry.

The discussion then shifted to Natalya’s husband, Tyson Kidd (real name TJ Wilson), and his inability to wrestle again due to a severe injury. Natalya explained that Tyson suffered a C1 injury, also known as a Hangman fracture, which occurred at the base of his brain where the spinal cord meets. Although Tyson is in great shape and possesses extensive knowledge of wrestling techniques, he cannot take bumps or engage in moves that could risk further damage to his neck. Natalya emphasized the importance of understanding the severity of his injury and the potential dangers associated with returning to the ring.

One of the notable moments in Natalya’s career was when her father, Jim Neidhart, and Bret Hart were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as the Hart Foundation. Natalya shared that she was adamant about her father and Bret being inducted together because it was her father’s favorite time in his career. She highlighted the strong bond between Bret and her father, explaining how Bret helped her father come out of his shell and find his personality. Natalya’s decision to pitch the joint induction was driven by her desire to honor her father’s wishes and acknowledge the special connection between him and Bret.

The podcast episode provided fans with insights into Natalya’s mindset regarding retirement, her husband’s injury, and her family’s wrestling legacy. Natalya’s dedication to the sport and her admiration for fellow wrestlers like Rey Mysterio serve as a testament to her passion and commitment to the wrestling community. As she continues her career, Natalya hopes to make a positive impact on others and carry on the legacy of her father and Bret Hart.

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