‘My television performance was superior to much of WCW’s lineup.’

‘My television performance was superior to much of WCW’s lineup.’
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Notorious personality, Vince Russo, was initially hired as a scriptwriter for WCW. However, he believes that his performances easily surpassed most of the on-air talents.

Russo joined the team at the end of 1999 and soon became a televised regular. He even enjoyed a short stint as WCW World Heavyweight Champion.

On the latest episode of VICE’s Dark Side of the Ring, Russo reminisced about his time on-screen with WCW. He believes that his contribution greatly eclipsed that of many others. In his words,

“I won’t mince my words here; when it comes to being an on-air character, I believe I was superior to around 80% of the roster.

I made the error of thinking ‘You want high ratings? I’ll take matters into my own hands and bring them in myself.’ This nearly cost me my life. I came close to dying, bro. I came close to dying!”

Russo participated in seven matches in WCW, emerging victorious in six. The only exception was a no-contest against Stevie Ray in September 2000.

[Embedded content: Goldberg confronts Vince Russo – WCW Monday Nitro – 8/21/2000]