MVP Thinks Omos Is The Best Giant In WWE History

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MVP is incredibly high up on Omos nowadays, even reaching to call him the best giant in WWE history.

Speaking on the “After the Bell with Corey Graves” podcast, MVP exposed that he thinks Omos is much better than all of the previous giants in WWE, consisting of Andre The Giant.

You can have a look at some highlights from the podcast listed below:

On Omos’ status amongst WWE giants: “My huge Omos is the best giant ever to grace the WWE ring. And you can put AndrĂ© [the Giant] because due to the fact that AndrĂ© does not have the dexterity, size, and strength that Omos has.”

On how he’s assisted Omos: “As you’ve seen from the time he’s been with me, his body has really altered. He’s placing on more muscle mass and losing body fat. His footwork for the ring– as I’ve stated previously, he currently had basketball footwork, now his footwork in the ring is enhancing. I believe in general, his mindset towards being a success in the WWE has actually altered, and I believe he’s accepted the load, the psychological load that I’ve offered him.”

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