Motor City Machine Guns Return To IMPACT, Beat The Rascalz

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Motor City Machine Guns Return To IMPACT, Beat The Rascalz

Alex Shelley

Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

Tonight’s IMPACT Slammiversary kicked off with a bang, as Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, also known as Motor City Machine Guns, made their return to IMPACT Wrestling, and took down The Rascalz in a tag team match to start the night.

The Motor City Machine Guns have answered the Open Challenge! #Slammiversary @SuperChrisSabin @fakekinkade



In the tag-team duo’s return to the IMPACT ring, they wasted no time in taking down their opponent with a series of double team attacks on The Rascalz. Things ended officially after they landed the Dirt Bomb on Dez for the victory.

.@SuperChrisSabin punts @DezmondXavier! #Slammversary


For more on how the match ended, check out below:

Swift suplex by Sabin who contorts the hand of Wentz before tagging in Shelley who comes off the top with an axe handle. Wentz tries to fight them off and the Wentz sandwich him with forearms. He finds an opening with a handspring knee. Wentz finally makes the tag and Dez takes control. He downs Shelley and then hits a flurry of strikes on Sabin. Dez is on a roll but MCMG try to get control. Wentz gets tagged back in and the two get a sequence of moves and get a near fall with a double team top rope double foot stomp. Codebreaker by Wentz. He goes for a swanton but Shelley gets the knees up and then launches Dez with a German suplex. Both men are down.

Tag to Sabin and the MCMG begin to work their memorable magic. Get a very close fall after a double team, but the duo does not relent with the double team attacks. They eventually hit the Dirt Bomb on Dez for the pinfall win.

RELATED: IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary Results – 07/18/20