Moose Shares His List of WWE Superstars He Wishes to Compete Against

Moose Shares His List of WWE Superstars He Wishes to Compete Against
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In a fresh discussion with Gabby AF, TNA World Champion Moose opened up about which WWE Superstars he aspires to compete against if he were ever to appear in the competitor federation as part of a WWE-TNA crossover.

Key highlights from the interview are as follows:

Moose shared his views on the TNA and WWE NXT intersection, stating, “It’s not hidden knowledge about the crossover, like you pointed out. It’s significant. It’s a significant achievement for TNA, it’s significant for the wrestlers who have been fortunate enough to be part of that crossover and collaborate with them. I don’t have extensive knowledge about it. I tend not to delve too deeply and build up expectations. I’m simply concentrating on the present, and should it happen, I’ll be enthusiastic about whatever they propose. Needless to say, I feel privileged to be collaborating with WWE, the preeminent wrestling organization globally, hands down. I also take delight in the successes of my comrades, like Jordynne and Joe, who had the opportunity to work with them; they were terrific.”

When asked about his desired opponent from NXT, the TNA Champion stated, “My opinions are hinged on public opinion basically, on Twitter interactions. Trick [Williams], who I believe is their reigning champion. Then there’s another guy, Oba Femi. Our heritage is the same, we are both of Nigerian descent, that would possibly make for an intriguing match. However, I would prefer not to pinpoint individuals, excluding others. Whoever it is that WWE or TNA or whoever is driving this relationship believes I could have an outstanding match with, I am confident about delivering. At this stage in my career, I am capable of challenging anyone and guarantee a memorable match. Irrespective of who I am pitted against, I would cherish the opportunity and give it my absolute best, which is 110%.”

Video footage from the interview can be seen below.