MLW Fusion: ALPHA Results (11/3/21): Tom Lawlor vs. King Muertes

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MLW Fusion: ALPHA Results (11/3/21): Tom Lawlor vs. King Muertes

MLW Fusion Alpha

Image Credit: MLW

This week’s episode of MLW Fusion: ALPHA featured a Casket Match between King Muertes and Tom Lawlor, and it also set the stage for the MLW‘s War Chamber taping on November 6.

The results are as follows:

Cesar Duran comes to the ring and says he thought the card for the show was missing something; he says it needs a sacrifice, and when he asks the fans who they want to see get sacrificed, 5150 interrupts him. Konnan says he’s been looking for Duran all week long. The members of 5150 introduce themselves and hype up the crowd. Duran responds by calling it nonsense and asks Konnan what he wants. Konnan says he’s high, and that’s why he’s easy like Sunday morning, but it’s time to get serious.

Konnan tells Duran to bring Los Parks out, and the trio comes to ringside. They brawl with 5150, and officials try to break up the wild brawl between the two groups.

5150 asked for Los Parks and they got their wish.#MLWFusion

— MLW (@MLW) November 3, 2021

Once they do, Tom Lawlor confronts Duran, who asks “Filthy Tom” who invited him. Lawlor says he’s been treated like trash, he’s been screwed, and it’s time he’s treated like the big-time fighter is here. “Filthy Tom” tells Duran he wants a title fight, and Duran gives him one; tonight, he’ll face King Muertes in a Casket Match.

CONTRA hijacks the broadcast; Mads Krügger says Alex Hammerstone is scared of hi. He calls himself the leader of CONTRA before he vows to march his soldiers into War Chamber and destroy “Hammer.”

Willow Nightingale and Zoey Sky vs. The Sea Stars (Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo)

Vox and Sky start the bout and feel each other out. The Sea Stars double-team Sky until Nightingale tags in. She gains the upper hand when she drops Vox with a superkick and squashes her with a senton. Sky tags back in and kicks Vox, who eventually rallies and tags Exo. With a flurry of offense, Exo gets a two count after she suplexes Nightingale.

Holidead crawls out from under the ring and drags Nightingale back under with her. Left by herself, the Sea Stars double-team Sky and pin her for the win.

.@TeamSeaStars with the Tidal Wave!#MLWFusion

— MLW (@MLW) November 3, 2021

Winners: The Sea Stars

Nightingale is helped to the back, clearly worse for wear after Holidead’s attack.

In a promo, Alex Kane says he’s in the Opera Cup because Calvin Tankman is too hurt to compete after Kane and King Mo beat him up last week. The broacast team questions the validity of this claim.

A brief teaser hypes Gnarls Garvin’s looming debut. The broadcast team hypes up the upcoming ladder match between Myron Reed, Zenshi, Alex Shelley, Alex Kane, and a Wild Card.

Backstage, Alicia Atout confirms that Calvin Tankman will not withdraw from the Opera Cup.

Alex Kane Prize Fight Open: Alex Kane (with King Mo) vs. Warhorse

Warhorse answers the open challenge, and the fans respond with plenty of cheers. He headbutts Mo before the match begins, and Kane attacks Warhorse from behind. Warhorse punches Kane several times, but a distraction from Mo helps “The Suplex Assassin” take control. The two fighters brawl at ringside. Back in the ring, Warhorse whips his hair and dares Kane to hit him. Warhorse soars across the ring with a missile dropkick.

Mo grabs Warhorse’s leg, and Kane capitalizes by suplexing him into the corner. “The Suplex Assassin” stomps Warhorse in the corner. Kane is firmly in control after another two suplexes. Warhorse tries to rally, but Kane slams him again and gets the win after yet another suplex.

.@Alex_kane11 hits the "Mark of Kane!"#MLWFusion

— MLW (@MLW) November 3, 2021

Winner: Alex Kane

In a post-match interview, King Mo says he wants Kane to have a spot in the Opera Cup. “The Suplex Assassin” says he’s going to take a spot, whether people want that to happen or not.

Backstage, Lawlor tries to strategize with Kevin Ku ahead of the Casket Match. Ku tells Lawlor that he wants to be on his own now before he walks away.

In a taped promo, Josef Samael says America is full of lies and propaganda. He says that he’s the leader of CONTRA Unit, he’s the real “El Jefe”, and he warns of his army’s path of destruction.

In an interview, Hammerstone briefly shuts down the rumors that he’s meeting with Cesar Duran.

Backstage, Richard Holliday admits that he’s had a rough patch, but he scored a big marketing campaign in Japan. He’ll be the face of some Japanese candy, and he finds Yoshihiro Tajiri snacking on it. The MLW World Middleweight Champion throws the candy at Holliday, who calls him “crude.”

Casket Match for the Caribbean Championship: King Muertes (c) vs. Tom Lawlor vs. King Muertes

A hooded woman comes to ringside and reveals herself to be Karlee Perez, formerly known as Maxine in WWE. She seductively touches Muertes’ face before the match and mysteriously carries a skull into the ring.

The missing piece to the puzzle for King Muertes has been revealed.#MLWFusion

— MLW (@MLW) November 3, 2021

Muertes overpowers Lawlor early on, and the fight spills to the outside. The champion slams Lawlor head-first onto the casket and drills him onto it with a DDT. Perez continues to motivate Muertes, and he maintains the advantage with a TKO. Lawlor fights his way out of the casket when Muertes tries to trap him in it. “Filthy Tom” rallies and gains the upper hand. He puts Muertes in the casket and nearly closes it, but the champion escapes. Muertes chops Lawlor at ringside, and but “Filthy Tom” keeps fighting.

Lawlor hits Muertes with a chair, but the champion powerombs “Filthy Tom” onto the casket. Another rally gives Lawlor some momentum, and he seemingly chokes out Muertes with a sleeper hold. He puts the champion in the casket, but Muertes won’t stay down. Muertes powers his way out of the casket and slams Lawlor. “Filthy Tom” counters a Spear with a guillotine choke, but Muertes slams his way out of it with the Straight to Hell. He then drags Lawlor, puts him in the casket and shuts the lid.

Winner and still MLW Caribbean Champion: King Muertes

Perez celebrates with Muertes after the match.

The full episode is available here:

MLW Fusion: ALPHA airs every Wednesday at 7 p.m. EST on the company’s YouTube channel, and it also streams on FITE.

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