Missy Hyatt accused Vince McMahon of attempting to barge into her hotel room.

Missy Hyatt accused Vince McMahon of attempting to barge into her hotel room.
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Ex-wrestling personnel, Missy Hyatt, has made allegations that Vince McMahon attempted to intrude into her hotel room, an advance she turned down.

McMahon, at present, is entangled in a lawsuit filed by Janel Grant alleging sexual abuse and trafficking during her stint with WWE.

These accusations by Hyatt of McMahon’s conduct were brought to light in a recent episode of the “Cafe de Rene” podcast. Hyatt shared about McMahon,

“I wouldn’t entertain Vince [McMahon], that was the situation. He was quite interested in me until he attempted to enter my hotel room and I rebuffed him. Next, we were in Anaheim and he says, ‘we want you to be a Federette and then you will do an assignment with The Honky Tonk Man’.

“I responded, ‘I’m not sure about being a Federette.’ To be one among three or two, that take ring jackets. Despite my limited experience of two-three years in the business, I knew I didn’t aspire to be a Federette and manage ring jackets.”

McMahon is currently not just grappling with Grant’s lawsuit, but is also under scrutiny by the U.S federal government. McMahon, however, denies all accusations levelled by Janel Grant.

To counter the lawsuit, McMahon has joined forces with WWE and John Laurinaitis, the other defendants in the case, in an attempt to enforce arbitration; which would stop Grant’s case from going to court.