Mike Santana Speaks on Altercation with Ortiz, Lance Archer Contemplates Possible Comeback to TNA.

Mike Santana Speaks on Altercation with Ortiz, Lance Archer Contemplates Possible Comeback to TNA.
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On WhatCulture Wrestling’s recent interview, Mike Santana, a professional wrestler recognized for his tenure with TNA, revisited his feud with Ortiz during their time in AEW. He commented on his eagerness to settle the issue promptly.

Below are a few notable points shared by Santana during the interview:

Regarding his conflict with Ortiz ending abruptly, Santana remarked, “It’s not my show. It’s something I’ve come to accept… Looking back a few years ago, it would have troubled me considering our extensive history. Nevertheless, I felt, ‘Alright, let it end so I can embark on my new journey.’ That’s just my approach.”

Discussing their AEW Rampage match, Santana said, “Our build-up transpired over a couple of weeks. We had a commendable match. We let out what we had to, and it was done afterwards. I wished him well and harboured no grudges. It marked an end of one chapter and the inception of a new one.”

In his “Murderhawk Mailbag” podcast, Lance Archer, an AEW wrestler, deliberated on the possibility of making a comeback in TNA Wrestling, a promotion he was formerly a part of, known under the alias ‘Dallas’.

Archer commented, “I’ve always held that nothing is impossible in the industry. But presently, I’m associated with AEW. I believe everyone keeps track of the happenings in the business, and I do have friends in TNA, including old tag partners like Brian Myers and childhood friends like Frankie Kazarian.”

Continuing further, he said, “Frankie and I have known each other since my initial run in TNA during the early 2000s. I enjoy watching my friends succeed and take note of what they’re doing. It’s a positive sign when companies endeavour to compete with each other, as seen in the sector. A number of ‘forbidden doors’ have been recently opened in pro wrestling, which is exciting. Regarding my future in TNA – it remains unpredictable. However, at present, I’m completely committed to AEW and have no intentions of leaving.”