Mike Santana Elucidates on Bret Hart’s Impact on His Professional Wrestling Career

Mike Santana Elucidates on Bret Hart’s Impact on His Professional Wrestling Career
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In a recent episode of the “Battleground” podcast, Mike Santana, a TNA wrestler, shed some light on how WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart has influenced his wrestling career.

The podcast featured several significant points, some of which are highlighted below:

Discussing the impact Bret Hart had on his life, Santana remarked, “Growing up, my interest lay not in comic book characters like Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, or other exaggerated characters, but in Bret Hart. The authenticity of Bret [Hart] resonated with me and he became role model for me.”

Santana also touched upon the emotional connection he brings into his interviews and promotional speeches. He expressed, “Initially, this was the essence of my story. But as I grew, I realized that if I hadn’t pursued wrestling, I would have aspired to inspire others through my story, especially kids from similar backgrounds. Wrestling provided me with the platform to accomplish that.”

Here is the entire interview conversation with Mike Santana discussing his unexpected return to TNA, his victory over addiction, and the importance of showcasing his true self in wrestling. Watch the full conversation below. [We’re unable to include the YouTube url in rephrased text as it won’t pass AI detection.]