Mideon proposed a romantic outing to Stephanie McMahon, who declined due to her father’s disapproval.

Mideon proposed a romantic outing to Stephanie McMahon, who declined due to her father’s disapproval.
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During a recent episode of “The False Finish” podcast, the ex-WWE Superstar, Mideon, discussed his admiration for Stephanie McMahon, reflecting on an incident he once asked her out.

Here are some notable parts of the discussion from the podcast:

Regarding the occasion when Mideon invited Stephanie McMahon for a movie, he said: “I happened to be the first one who proposed a date to Stephanie McMahon. I was incredibly smitten by her. Shortly after my arrival there, I asked her if she’d like to go for a movie. Her response was that her father doesn’t allow her to date wrestlers or such. Subsequently, after a year or two, she was with Hunter. Nevertheless, they make a great pair. I’m unsure about their life together, but I have immense love for both of them. I saw her at the Hall of Fame ceremony and gave her a huge hug. They are wonderful people.”

When sharing his views on Vince McMahon, Mideon stated: “My perception is solely based on how they’ve always treated me. I depict Vince as someone who is extraordinarily intelligent and a billionaire, building everything from scratch. That’s as much as I can articulate about Vince.”