Mideon maintains, “I persistently harbor affection for Vince McMahon who remains among my top preferences.”

Mideon maintains, “I persistently harbor affection for Vince McMahon who remains among my top preferences.”
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Rhea Ripley Mami on The False Finish Podcast

Mideon, an ex-WWE superstar, recently made an appearance on the “The False Finish” podcast. His discussion was majorly about Vince McMahon, the former WWE Chairman, and he shared his sustained respect for him.

Below are some highlights from the podcast conversation:

Speaking about Vince McMahon,Mideon said: “I have immense fondness for Vince. In my life, he is among the people I hold in high esteem. He always treated me exceptionally well. On my off days, I used to call him at home, and he would always take time to entertain my calls. He was an epitome of dedication and hard work, but he equally knew how to enjoy life. He used to join us for drinks and parties, without any hesitation, he mingled with his employees.”

On why McMahon holds a special place in his heart,Mideon explained, “With the recent unfolding of events, my perspective has changed a bit, but Vince still remains one of my favourite people. Situations arise and they change people, but from my end, I make sure to treat a person how they treat me. Their behaviour towards me influences how I feel about them.”

Earlier this year, McMahon stepped down as Executive Chairman of WWE’s parent company, TKO, against the backdrop of sexual misconduct accusations levelled against him by a former WWE employee, Janel Grant.

Grant brought charges against McMahon, WWE, and ex-executive John Laurinaitis in January of this year. She accused them of sex trafficking, emotional and physical abuse, sexual assault, among other similar allegations.