Mick Foley On “Genius” Bray Wyatt – ‘I Thought So Highly Of Him’

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Mick Foley has expressed his sadness at the death of Windham ‘Bray Wyatt’ Rotunda, saying the former WWE World Champion was a “genius” at his craft.

Rotunda died earlier this month of a heart attack after dealing with heart issues that were exacerbated by a battle with COVID-19 earlier this year.


During his “Foley is Pod” show, the Hardcore Legend spoke highly of Rotunda’s work. He said,

“I thought he was a genius, I really did … I thought so highly of him. When my children were all watching and I would watch too, I would watch it, kind of in the background and I would multitask, it was really Bray Wyatt that would make me put all my stuff down and I would just sit and stare at that screen and I was transfixed.

“I think that’s the way so many people were when they watched him. Aside from everything he did in the ring, he was really a great presence backstage. I think the world would have realized sooner or later that this was a really nice man.”

Wyatt and Foley appeared in a segment on RAW in 2019 in which The Fiend attacked the Hardcore Legend.

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